An incentive to be rich...
When i read articles about Elim Chew for PW, i got to know about her views about getting/being rich and earning loads of money. To her, the more she earn, the more she can give away. And i thought, Woah, how cool is that. Then today at madrasah we attended some seminar/talk/lecture/whateveryounameit about zakat, which is part of MUIS' programme to raise awareness about, well, zakat! haha. as in like coz zakat is divided into two parts right, zakat harta and zakat fitrah. practically everyone pays zakat fitrah lar. but zakat harta is like abit more complicated, coz many people are like supposedly unaware that they met the requirements to have to pay zakat harta already, so they ended up not paying. coz like they're under this impression that zakat harta is like paid only by rich people.
but anyway yeah we learnt about the kinds of assets that can be deductible for zakat. like CPF, your savings, gold, something about insurance and etc..
and anyway all that quite irrelevant lar. as in not really irrelevant, but not worth blogging about. as in not not worth blogging about, just not the story i want to rant about 2day =D
anyway at the end of the presentation the Mudirah(principal) like narrated to us some quote or something that goes along the lines of "If today you are not eligible to pay zakat harta, then work hard and aim to be able to pay zakat harta.". Or something along that line lar.
basically see right, zakat harta is only collected from people who have like a certain amount of money or assets or whatever to meet a minimum quota or nisab lar. so if u are not eligible or not compulsory for you to pay for zakat that means you dont have that much money to speak of in the 1st place lar.
in other words, striving to be eligible to pay zakat means striving to earn more money la. ooh and ustazah zainab (the mudirah) also like encouraged us to like work hard and save up so we can pay more zakat. i think. or was it a figment of my imagination? hahaha.
ok whatever it is. my aim is to have to pay at least $25000 worth of zakat harta by, erm, before 40? ohkay $25k is equivalent of 2.5% of my total assets... so 25% is $250k.. so that means i wanna be a millionare! wooh! ok a millionare by 40? ok i hope its possible lar.. start of small.. millionare by 40.. billionare by 50. hah!
ok so to get rich, i need a good job. and one way 2 get a good job is get good education. and the only way to get good education at uni is i get damn good results at the end of jc. ok off to mug now!
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